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Translate Your Podcast into 85+ Languages

Salina translates your podcast into 85 languages,
helping you connect with global listeners effortlessly.

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Your Podcast Deserves
Global Recognition, But…

These roadblocks prevent your stories from crossing borders...
until now.

Save Time with
Automatic Transcription

Salina transcribes your podcast in minutes, carefully retaining the nuances of your expertise. Whether it’s a podcast episode or script recording, your story’s essence is preserved.

No more lost hours. Get your message out faster, without compromise.

Connect Globally with Culturally Tuned Translations

Salina is more than a translation tool—it’s your cultural bridge. By preserving idioms and jargon, Salina helps your unique experiences connect with a global audience while keeping their essence intact.

Reach More Listeners with Optimized Podcast Descriptions

You’ve created over 200 podcast episodes, but are they optimized for global reach? Salina transcribes, translates, and helps craft SEO-friendly descriptions, making your content easier to find and grow your audience.

A Tool Designed for
Storytellers Like You

Salina understands that your stories are more than just words.  They’re tied to culture, meaning, and emotion. Salina ensures that:

Your time is efficiently saved

Automate time-draining tasks like transcription and translation, freeing you to focus more on creating and less on converting.

Your voice is kept real

Our culturally nuanced translations do more than convert words; they capture the essence of your message and ensure it's preserved.

Your reach becomes global

With support for 85 languages and SEO optimization, your content will resonate with audiences worldwide, all while staying culturally relevant.

Get Back to What You Love—Storytelling

Your podcast is ready—let Salina help you share it with listeners around the globe.